
Planning for Public Holidays in Spain 2020

2020 Europe

Spain is the second* most visited country in the world with around 83 million international visitor each year.

If you plan to be one of those visitors in 2020, it’s worth taking a few minutes to look at Spain’s public holidays to plan ahead, as it can frustrating to find out public transport isn’t running when you arrive or that the bank is closed or the ATM has run out of cash at the end of a busy festival.

Some tourist attractions may also change their opening hours or days on public holidays.

As all the regions of Spain have now announced their community holidays for 2020, we can look at the  work schedule of Spain for 2020.

As usual, we start with a basecamp of eight holidays to be held jointly across the country.

These national holidays which cannot be substituted by the autonomous communities are:

Weekday DateHolidaySpanish
WednesdayJanuary 1stNew YearAño Nuevo
MondayJanuary 6thEpiphanyReyes Magos
Friday April 10th Good FridayViernes Santo
Friday May 1st Labor DayDía del Trabajador
Saturday August 15th Assumption of the VirginAsunción de la Virgen
Monday October 12th National Holiday of SpainFiesta Nacional de España
Tuesday December 8th Immaculate ConceptionInmaculada Concepción
Friday December 25th ChristmasNavidad

In addition to these eight national holidays, each autonomous community can choose up to four more holidays. Here’s run-down by community. If you know what region are interested in, click the name to go to the 2020 page for that community.

Autonomous CommunityCommunity Holidays
AndalucíaFebruary 28th Andalucía Day
April 9th Holy Thursday
November 2nd All Saints Day (in lieu)
December 7th Constitution Day (in lieu)
AragónApril 9th Holy Thursday
Apr 23rd National Day of Aragon
November 2nd All Saints Day (in lieu)
December 7th Constitution Day (in lieu)
AsturiasApril 9th Holy Thursday
September 8th Day of Asturias
December 7th Constitution Day (in lieu)
Balearic IslandsApril 9th Holy Thursday
April 13th Easter Monday
December 7th Constitution Day (in lieu)
December 26th St. Stephen’s Day
Basque CountryMarch 19th St. Joseph’s Day
April 9th Holy Thursday
April 13th Easter Monday
July 25th St. James’ Day
CantabriaApril 9th Holy Thursday
July 28th Day of Cantabrian Institutions
September 15th Lady of Aparecida
Castilla-La ManchaMarch 19th St. Joseph’s Day
April 9th Holy Thursday
April 13th Easter Monday
May 31st Castilla-La Mancha Day
June 11th Corpus Christi
Castilla y LeónApril 9th Holy Thursday
April 23rd Community Day
November 2nd All Saints Day (in lieu)
December 7th Constitution Day (in lieu)
CataloniaApril 13th Easter Monday
June 24th Feast of St. John the Baptist
September 11th National of Catalonia
December 26th St. Stephen’s Day
ExtremaduraApril 9th Holy Thursday
September 8th Day of Extremadura
November 2nd All Saints Day (in lieu)
December 7th Constitution Day (in lieu)
GaliciaMarch 19th St. Joseph’s Day
April 9th Holy Thursday
June 24th Feast of St. John the Baptist
July 25th St. James’ Day
La RiojaApril 9th Holy Thursday
April 13th Easter Monday
June 9th La Rioja day
December 7th Constitution Day (in lieu)
MadridApril 9th Holy Thursday
May 2nd Community Festival of Madrid
November 2nd All Saints Day (in lieu)
December 7th Constitution Day (in lieu)
MurciaMarch 19th St. Joseph’s Day
April 9th Holy Thursday
June 9th Day of Murcia
December 7th Constitution Day (in lieu)
NavarraMarch 19th St. Joseph’s Day
April 9th Holy Thursday
December 3rd Feast of St. Francis Xavier
December 7th Constitution Day (in lieu)
ValencianaMarch 19th St. Joseph’s Day
April 13th Easter Monday
June 24th Feast of St. John the Baptist
October 9th Valencian Community Day
CeutaApril 9th Holy Thursday
June 13th Feast of St. Anthony
July 31st Eid El Kebir
August 5th Our Lady of Africa
September 2nd Ceuta Day
December 7th Constitution Day (in lieu)
MelillaApril 9th Holy Thursday
July 31st Eid El Kebir
September 17th Day of Melilla
December 7th Constitution Day (in lieu)

A popular community holiday this year is observing Constitution Day on Monday December 7th. This is because December 8th is also a holiday, so this will create a four-day weekend.

By the same measure, adding Holy Thursday before Good Friday creates another extra-long weekend – even more so in those regions who also observe Easter Monday.

The final total of holidays can then be increased to 14 as municipal areas can observe up to two more holidays local to them.

The total number of holidays then becomes very long. On our site ,we show the national, community-level holidays and a selection of municipal holidays for major cities such as Madrid and Barcelona.

And if you are from the UK, we can only apologise if you are feeling a bit green-eyed after reading this, given Brits only enjoy eight public holidays a year!

*France is the most visited country in the world with 89 million international visitors a year.

For full details of all Spanish Public Holidays in 2020, with years planners for all regions and the ability to add regional holidays to your favourite calendar programme, check out