The Rupee is the currency of India

Indian Bank Holidays in January 2023

2023 India

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) publishes a bank holiday calendar every year.

This calendar states banks in which states will be closed on particular dates. The RBI decides bank holidays in four categories: Negotiable Instruments Act, Holidays, Real-Time Gross Settlement Holiday, and Banks’ Closing of Accounts. Besides some national holidays, there are certain state-specific holidays that include Sundays and the second and fourth Saturdays of every month.

Here’s a full list of the 14 bank holidays in January 2023

Date  Day    Holiday    State  
January 1, 2023SundayNew Year Bank HolidayNationwide
January 2, 2023MondayNew Year Bank CelebrationMizoram
January 5, 2023ThursdayGuru Gobind Singh JayantiHaryana, Rajasthan
January 8, 2023SundayNationwide
January 11, 2023WednesdayMissionary DayMizoram
January 14, 2023SaturdaySecond SaturdayNationwide
January 15, 2023SundayNationwide
January 22, 2023SundayNationwide
January 23, 2023MondayNetaji Subash Chandra Bose JayantiTripura, West Bengal
January 25, 2023WednesdayState DayHimachal Pradesh
January 26, 2023ThursdayRepublic DayNationwide
January 28, 2023SundayFourth SaturdayNationwide
January 29, 2023SundayNationwide
January 31, 2023MondayMe-Dam-Me-PhiAssam

Disclaimer: All precautions have been taken to gather the most accurate information about the Bank Holiday dates for the month of January 2023. However, readers are advised to verify with their local branches to corroborate the same.