Indian Money

Indian Bank Holidays in September 2021


Banks in India will remain closed for up to 12 days in September 2021, including second and fourth Saturdays, and Sundays. 

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has categorised holidays under three categories — Holiday under Negotiable Instruments Act; Holiday under Negotiable Instruments Act and Real-Time Gross Settlement Holiday; and Banks’ Closing of Accounts. The list of holidays given below has been notified by RBI.

Bank holidays in September 2021

  1. Sunday 5 September 2021
  2. Wednesday 8 September 2021: Tithi of Srimanta Sankardeva (Assam)
  3. Thursday 9 September 2021: Teej (Haritalika) (Chhattisgarh, Sikkim)
  4. Friday 10 September 2021: Ganesh Chaturthi (Widespread)
  5. Saturday 11 September 2021: Second Saturday
  6. Sunday 12 September 2021
  7. Friday 17 September 2021: Karam Puja
  8. Sunday 19 September 2021
  9. Monday 20 September 2021: Indrajatra (Sikkim)
  10. Tuesday 21 September 2021: Sree Narayana Guru Samadhi Day (Kerala)
  11. Saturday 25 September 2021: Fourth Saturday
  12. Sunday 26 September 2021

Disclaimer: All precautions have been taken to gather the most accurate information about the Bank Holiday dates for the month of September 2021. However, readers are advised to verify with their local branches to corroborate the same.