Toledo, Castilla-La Mancha

Public Holidays in Castilla-La Mancha approved for 2022

2022 Europe

The Official Gazette of Castilla-La Mancha has published the decree of the Ministry of Economy, Business and Employment of the regional Government by which the labour calendar of paid and non-recoverable holidays in the year 2022 is approved.

The most notable change is that the holiday corresponding to Christmas Day passes to Monday December 26th.

According to the calendar, the rest of the 12 national and regional festivals are as expected, and begin in January with Saturday 1st (New Year) and Thursday 6th (the Three Kings festival).

The next holidays are not until April, with the 14th and 15th, corresponding to Good Thursday and Good Friday. In May, Sunday 1st, Labour Day, and Tuesday 31st, Castilla-La Mancha Day, will also be holidays.

Corpus Christi will be once again observed at the regional level, this year on Thursday June 16th; and on Monday August 15th it will once again be a holiday for the Assumption of the Virgin.

The National Holiday takes place on Wednesday October 12th; All Saints’ Day on Tuesday November 1st; Constitution Day on Tuesday December 6th; and The Immaculate Conception on Thursday December 8th. As mentioned due to Christmas Day falling on Sunday, the holiday is moved to Monday December 26th.