The government of this autonomous Spanish region has published in the Official Gazette of Cantabria (BOC) the work calendar for next year. Notably the Easter weekend will be only four days and not five days, as was the case this year. St. James’ Day (July 25th) will not be included as a regional holiday as it falls on a Sunday.
The Ministry of Employment forgot to include November 1st, All Saints Day, but we are adding it here.
As usual, municipalities can add another two local holidays to the list to make 14 days of holidays.
The full list of non-working days for 2021 is:
Friday, January 1st, New Year; Wednesday, January 6th, Epiphany; April 1st, Holy Thursday; April 2nd, Good Friday; , May 1st, Labor Day; Wednesday July 28th, Day of Cantabrian Institutions; Wednesday September 15, Lady of Aparecida; Tuesday October 12th, National Day of Spain; Monday, November 1st, All Saints; Monday, December 6th, Day of the Spanish Constitution; Wednesday December 8th, Day of the Immaculate Conception; Saturday, December 25th, Christmas Day.