The Governing Council has approved the decree that establishes twelve paid, non-recoverable and unworkable holidays for 2021 in the northern Spanish Autonomous Community.
Referencing how the Easter holidays were affected in 2020 by the COVID-19 lockdown, the Minister of the Presidency and Institutional Relations of the Autonomous Executive, Mayte Pérez, said “We wish and cross our fingers to be able to enjoy this holiday in better conditions this year.”
Next year, two of the holidays are lost to Saturdays – Labour Day and Christmas Day. Notably, Assumption Day is moved to the following Monday and in total citizens will enjoy a total of six long weekends.
in 2021, Constitution Day falls on a Monday, followed by Immaculate Conception on the Wednesday, so using one day of holiday vacation on the Tuesday will create a five-day break at the start of December.
As usual, municipalities can add another two local holidays to the list to make 14 days of holidays.
The full list of non-working days is:
Friday, January 1st, New Year; Wednesday, January 6th, Epiphany; April 1st, Holy Thursday; April 2nd, Good Friday; Friday April 23rd, St. George’s Day; Saturday, May 1st, Labor Day; Monday August 16th, Assumption day (in lieu); Tuesday October 12th, National Day of Spain; Monday, November 1st, All Saints; Monday, December 6th, Day of the Spanish Constitution; Wednesday December 8th, Day of the Immaculate Conception; Saturday, December 25th, Christmas Day.