In a press release, Ambrose Dery (MP), Minister for the Interior has reminded the general public that Sunday, 4th August, 2019 which marks Founders Day, is a Statutory Public Holiday.
However, he added, in view of the fact that August 4th 2019 falls on a Sunday, His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Ghana has by Executive Instrument {E.I} has declared Monday August 5th 2019 as a Public Holiday to be observed as such throughout the country.
August 4th has been chosen as the date for Founders’ Day as it marks two important events in Ghana’s history. It is the date for the formation of the Aborigines’ Rights Protection Society by John Mensah Sarbah in 1897, and the formation of the United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC) in 1947 by J.B. Danquah and George Alfred “Paa” Grant.