La Rioja

La Rioja Public holidays 2020

2020 Europe

In the area of ​​the Autonomous Community of La Rioja and during the year 2020, non-working days, for labour purposes, of a paid and non-recoverable nature, will be as indicated below.

In addition, there will be up to two days of the year in each municipality of the Autonomous Community of La Rioja, as determined by their respective City Council.

In 2020, residents of La Rioja will enjoy a holiday on Easter Monday, and even though they lose a holiday for the Feast of the Assumption which falls on a Saturday in 2020, they do get a day in lieu for Constitution Day.

Public holidays in La Rioja in 2020

WednesdayJan 01New Year’s Day
MondayJan 06Epiphany
ThursdayApr 09Holy Thursday
FridayApr 10Good Friday
MondayApr 13Easter Monday
FridayMay 01Labour Day
TuesdayJun 09La Rioja Day
SaturdayAug 15Assumption Day
MondayOct 12Hispanic Day
SundayNov 01All Saints’ Day
SundayDec 06Constitution Day
MondayDec 07Constitution Day (in lieu)
TuesdayDec 08Immaculate Conception Day
FridayDec 25Christmas Day